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Our extensive range of services in this field includes, but is not limited, to the following:

Corporate formation

  • Selecting the most appropriate corporate structure
  • Establishing and registering Saudi and foreign companies of all kinds 
  • Providing legal services related to local and international investments
  • Drafting corporate governance regulations 
  • Drafting articles of association of companies and their internal regulations

Bankruptcy, Mergers & Acquisitions

  • Providing legal advice and following up legal procedures for bankruptcy, merger and acquisition
  • Debt collection

Contracts and agreements

  • Drafting and negotiating contracts and agreements, in English and Arabic, including shareholder agreement, severance agreement, non-compete agreements, licensing agreements, employment contracts, acquisition contracts, alliance contracts, commercial leases and franchising agreements

Litigation & Dispute Resolution

  • Solving disputes through arbitration, mediation or trial 
  • Tax litigation including appeals against tax audit results 
  • Representing commercial agencies
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If you have any legal issue or any inquiry and need additional information, feel free to contact us.

Contact Faisal al dawood law firm